How can I save files to my local machine using the TIBCO Nimbus Cloud Service
Article ID: KB0075430
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TIBCO Nimbus Cloud Service
As of May 2020 we have moved to a new Citrix infrastructure for the TIBCO Nimbus Cloud Service. You have have noticed that since this move that the steps to save reports etc have now changed.
How can I save files to my local machine using the TIBCO Nimbus Cloud Service
Tibco Nimbus Cloud Service
To save files to your local machine while connected to any of the Citrix Workspace applications you will need to simply navigate to the left of the save window and look for the 'My Computer' section. Under here you should see a Citrix icon and an option named 'Save to my local machine', clicking this option will then allow you to name the file and when saved the file will be downloaded via your browser that you used to connect.