The steps to view the certificate are below.
1. Using a browser, go to the HTTPS url for the TDV Web Manager
https:<hostname>:<base port + 2>
For instance, if TDV is running at base port 9400, then the secure port will be 9402
2. The browser will provide an option to view the certificate. Typically, this will be a tiny icon next to the browser's url field (or in the browser's status bar). The icon varies from browser to browser (it can be a lock, a triangle, etc.) Use this option to display the certificate.
For example, the screenshot below shows the certificate displayed in :
- the IE browser
- the Google Chrome browser
Note: By default, TDV uses a self-signed certificate with the following Issuer details:
CN = cis_server_strong, OU = engineering, O = Composite Software, L = San Mateo, S = CA, C = US