Check out the following references which outline the various data access methods in Spotfire:
To summarize:
1. Native Data Connectors
Drivers and data sources in Spotfire. Check if there is a native connector to the data source (see
What is a Data Connection for more details). You can view the current list under the section "Spotfire self-service access data sources" here:
For more details, you can see the list of the Data Connectors enabled in Spotfire by version, along with the requirements needed to use them:
If you do not see the data source, continue:
2. Information Designer - Server-side JDBC connectivity
Check if there is a JDBC-based data source included with Spotfire Server:
If you do not see the data source, it still may be possible to connect via JDBC with a custom data source. Check with the data source vendor to see if there is a JDBC driver for the data source. If so, it is possible to create a custom data source template in Spotfire to work with the JDBC driver for the desired database. For an overview of this process and custom templates for a number of data sources, see:
Please note that while Spotfire's general JDBC interface is supported, the creation, configuration, and troubleshooting of custom JDBC data sources (not listed in the Included drivers and data source templates reference mentioned above) is not explicitly supported by Spotfire Support, and is supported on a "best effort" basis only.
Disclaimer: Information Links are only available in an on-premise Spotfire installation with Spotfire Server, or Spotfire Cloud Enterprise. This is not an option for TIBCO Cloud Spotfire or Spotfire Desktop.If you do not see the data source in the references above or the database does not have a JDBC driver interface, continue:
3. Load Data with ODBC, OLE DB, or ADO.NET data provider
For other databases the direct "Load Data with ODBC, OLE DB, or ADO.NET data provider" command may be an option. Check with the data source vendor to see if there is a data provider that can be used. Spotfire users can connect to their database using the following local data providers such as:
- ODBC Data Provider
- OleDb Data Provider
- OracleClient Data Provider
- SqlClient Data Provider
Open from Database Overview for more details. You will need to provide the connection string, server name, or DSN file for these connections. If you the data source you are connecting to does not have a data provider like mentioned above, continue:
4. Connections using TIBCO products
Spotfire has native
data connections to TIBCO products which provide many other connection options beyond those listed above. This allows tight integration and data access for Spotfire to an even larger number of data sources. See the following TIBCO products, which Spotfire can access via the Spotfire data connectors, and check if your data source is natively supported in those other products: