Cannot change the TIBCO LogLogic Lasso Enterprise Main Forwarder protocol to UDP

Cannot change the TIBCO LogLogic Lasso Enterprise Main Forwarder protocol to UDP


Article ID: KB0077454


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TIBCO LogLogic Lasso Enterprise all versions


You cannot change the Lasso Enterprise Main Forwarder protocol to UDP once the Main Forwarder has been created. You can successfully create a second Forwarder using UDP, but you cannot use the Main Forwarder for UDP-based transport after it has been created. Even after creating a new Forwarder, the Main Forwarder cannot be deleted in the MMC or via command line. Nor does using the command the following command on page 50 of the Lasso Enterprise User Guide apply here.

2. Set the forwarding protocol to be used with the Log Management Appliance
(LogAppTcp) using the following command.

llwecadm setwecprops logappudp boolean    <<< Does not apply here

The default protocol is tcp.

If you rename the device (give it a new name and/or IP address) then collection may stop. Therefore, this is not a viable alternative.


This article explains why you cannot change the Lasso Main Forwarder protocol to UDP and how to resolve the issue.


In this situation the only solution is to create a new forwarder that is configured to use UDP as described above. The Main Forwarder will therefore always use TCP once it has been created.