Changes required in cobranding Template for versions 7.5 till 7.14

Changes required in cobranding Template for versions 7.5 till 7.14


Article ID: KB0079062


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Server 7.5 till 7.14


The <web> section listed in the cobranding template needs to be updated to include the navigationlogo tag and remove the loginlogo tag. The loginlogo is not relevant for Spotfire versions 7.5 and higher.


The current cobranding template listed in the online help needs to be updated to add a missing tag and remove a tag that is no longer relevant.


The updated <web> section should look like the following:-
 The WebHeader.htm file is used to add a custom header to the server UI and Web Player. The logo image should be named   CompanyLogoWide.png and placed in a subfolder to the path containing all the other cobranding files.The subfolder should be called "Images".
      The logo shown in the navigation header on the library page. If the image exceeds the dimensions 190x33 pixels, the image will be cropped.

Additional Information

This issue has been addressed in Spotfire version 10.x and the cobranding documentation has been updated with the correct template.