Changing the TIBCO iProcess Engine Background and Administration User Name after installation

Changing the TIBCO iProcess Engine Background and Administration User Name after installation


Article ID: KB0080061


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TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) -


Changing the iProcess Engine Background and Administration User Name after the iProcess Engine has been installed.


Changing the TIBCO iProcess Engine Background and Administration User Name after installation.


Product: TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) Version: All Supported Versions OS: Unix / Linux


Before making any configuration changes, perform the following.


1). Add the new Administration operating system user to the iProcess Engine (iPE) User Group which has a default of "staffwar". The group name can be found in the $SWDIR/etc/staffpms file on line 12, parameter 6. In the following example, the group name is "staffwar": 1\GROUPNAME\1\666\swuser\staffwar\7

2). Add the new Administration user into iPE. This can be done by using the User Manager in the TIBCO iProcess Administrator which can be accessed via the iProcess Workspace (Windows). When adding the user, set the MENUNAME attribute to ADMIN. This is detailed in the TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Windows) Manager’s Guide. Perform a MOVESYSINFO to fully add the user.

3). Stop all iPE processes.


Changes required to use the new users.


1). Backup the $SWDIR/swdefs and $SWDIR/etc/staffpms files.

2). Update line 2 of the $SWDIR/swdefs file with the new iProcess Engine Background user.

3). Update line 3 of the $SWDIR/swdefs file with the new iProcess Engine Administration user.

4). Update line 6 and parameter 22 of the $SWDIR/etc/staffpms file with the new iProcess Engine Administration user. In the following example the user name is "swadmin".

5. Run the "fixperms" utility to set the ownership of the iPE files to the new user. This should be run as the "root" user.
$SWDIR/bin/fixperms -r -y -R

6). Login as the new user and run some tests using a few commands such as:


$SWDIR/util/plist -n

$SWDIR/bin/swutil USERINFO EXPORT > userexp.log

7). Start the iPE as the new user.

Additional Information

TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Windows) Manager’s Guide.
TIBCO iProcess Engine for UNIX Installation guide.