Configuration Section in FOM Installation Guide 3.0

Configuration Section in FOM Installation Guide 3.0


Article ID: KB0084247


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management 3.0


'Configuration Section' referred to at the end of p38 (Configuration and Verification) is missing in the Installation Guide.


Configuration Section is missing in FOM Installation Guide 3.0


FOM 3.0


We can refer the  2.0.1 installation guide with some exceptions. In 2.0.1, there were modules which are not in 3.0 like OCV, orchestrator (which require setup like DB separately).

How to create FOM 3.0 database. After running FOM 3.0 installer we can choose from:
1) Configurator GUI
Default user is admin/admin. We can change this user in $AF_HOME/config/ We can access using url http://<<IP>>:<<PORT>>/config/
We need to run tomcat. At this point we will have in $AF_HOME/apache-tomcat-7.0.42/webapps only the config.war.
After login page in top right corner we will see Tools-> Setup Wizard. Attached screenshots for reference (configuratorSetupWizard.png,databaseConfigurationConfigurator.png)

2) TIBCOConfigurationTool (TCT)
This is in $TIBCO_HOME/tct/1.4
We can execute console mode by using: ./TIBCOConfigurationTool -consoleMode
Or help: ./TIBCOConfigurationTool -help
We will see menu:
[ ] 1 - Configure FOM OMS - V3.0
[ ] 2 - Configure FOM Integration - V3.0
[ ] 3 - Configure FOM Messaging - V3.0
[X] 4 - Configure FOM Database - V3.0
[ ] 5 - Configure FOM OCS - V3.0

3) Executing scripts from $AF_HOME/db/oracle/oms
Refer to readme.text
Create tablespace (CreateTableSpace.sql), create user (createOMSUser.sql),create FOM tables (OMS_DDL.sql) and FOM data (OMS_SeedData.sql).

How to create EMS queues/topics:
1) Configurator GUI
2) TIBCOConfigurationTool (TCT)
3) Running scripts from $AF_HOME/ems. We will need only AF_CreateEMSChannel.txt. We will run this script in ems admin.

FOM configuration. For this we can run the configurator GUI tool. This is the config.war we run with the tomcat. We can browse through the main sections to configure. Essential to configure are EMS connection and database connection so FOM can know where to connect. We can find further information about what we can configure in the Administration Guide. The GUI is very useful to see what we can configure. We can always update the oms config file directly. 


Configuration Section in FOM Installation Guide 3.0 get_app
Configuration Section in FOM Installation Guide 3.0 get_app