Configuring LiveView server email alert actions to use the Gmail SMTP service

Configuring LiveView server email alert actions to use the Gmail SMTP service


Article ID: KB0075190


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Live Datamart 2.x


LiveView Alerts have an email action option. The GMail SMTP service is useful for quick demos and proofs-of-concept. Some additional server system properties must be set in the LiveView project's sbd.sbconf file.


Configuring LiveView server email alert actions to use the Gmail SMTP service


More information about configuring alerts, email actions, and server configuration can be found in the product documentation (TIBCO Product Documentation, LiveView Data Mart).

Cut-and-paste these system properties into the <java-vm> section of a LiveView project's sbd.sbconf file:
<sysproperty name="" value=""/>
<sysproperty name="" value="465"/>
<sysproperty name="" value="true"/>
<sysproperty name="" value="true"/>
<sysproperty name="" value="YourUserNameHere"/>
<sysproperty name="" value="YourPasswordHere"/>

Change YourUserNameHere and YourPasswordHere, which should be a GMail user name and password.

Configuring Gmail SMTP as a Less Secure App

In June of 2014, Google changed their access policies for Gmail SMTP. SMTP is now considered a "less secure app" and less secure apps must be explicitly enabled for the destination account. (Some organizational users of Gmail may not be allowed to enable this access at all.)