In the TCM web ui, go to the '
Authentication' screen and select '
Create Role'. Provide a Role Name, and select the FTL service. Also ensure this role is entitled to publish messages. Finally, select '
channel' under the '
Accessible Channels' section.
When you are returned to the Authentication screen, you should now see the role you created in your role list. In the '
Configuration File' column, select the option to download the role configuration file (
tcm-config.yaml). This file contains the authentication key for this role, as well as the connection details for the FTL TCM service.
tcm-config.yaml contains the TCM FTL server's public certificate, which is the value of '
ftl_certificate'. As noted in the
TCM Help:
"The value of ftl_certificate is a PEM string encoded to fit on a single line. Replace the \n substring with a newline character to obtain a legal PEM string." To perform this replacement, you may open the
tcm-config.yaml in a text editor such as
Notepad++. Find the 'ftl_certificate' value. For example..
Copy the value, and paste it into a new file named '
ftl-trusted.pem'. Then replace any newline markers (\n) with actual new lines. The result would look like this:
This is now a valid PEM-formatted certificate. Place your '
ftl-trusted.pem' certificate in a known directory on your system (e.g. C:/trusted/ftl-trusted.pem).
Next, you will need to import the '
ftl-trusted.pem' trusted certificate into a trust store. To do this, you may use the
Java keytool command-line utility. For example:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias tcmftl -file ftl-trusted.pem -keystore truststore.p12 -storetype PKCS12 -storepass secret -noprompt
This will create a trust store named '
truststore.p12' under
C:\trusted\, secured with the password 'secret'.
In Studio, create an Identity Resource (under the
SharedResources folder) to reference the trust store you created. Go to
File > New > Other > TIBCO Shared Resources > Identity Resource. Provide a name for the Identity file (e.g., and set the following properties:
- Type: Identity File
- URL: C:/trusted/truststore.p12
- Password: secret
Next, open the FTL Channel definition (or, open the *.ftl connection resource if the FTL connection is configured as a separate resource file), and set the '
RealmServer' property to the value of the 'ftl_url' shown in your
tcm-config.yaml. For example:
- RealmServer: https://tib-sub-******
Also set additional properties:
- UserName: The value of 'tcm_authentication_id' from your tcm-config.yaml.
- Password: The value of 'tcm_authentication_key' from your tcm-config.yaml.
Then select '
Use SSL' and click the '
Configure SSL' button.
Set the '
Trust Type' to 'TrustFile', and set '
Identity' to the Identity resource you created above (/SharedResources/
For the FTL Destinations you've defined in your FTL Channel definition file, set the following properties:
- Application Name: channel
- Endpoint Name: default
Note that the value for '
Application Name' comes from the
tcm-config.yaml file's 'ftl_application' line.
Your local BusinessEvents application is now configured to publish messages to your TCM FTL service.