Confirm Activity for Websphere MQ Listener Palletes hungs

Confirm Activity for Websphere MQ Listener Palletes hungs


Article ID: KB0081842


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for IBM MQ 7.4,7.5


When MQ listener Process is configured for Client Confirmation. A TIBCO Service shows Active processes pending for longer than usual for Confirm Activity even when there is very low data load. Till the activity is not completed further transaction wouldn't be processed causing flood of transaction to be in waiting state.

This behavior can be seen while using TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plugin for MQ 7.5 and below.



Confirm Activity for Websphere MQ Listener Palletes takes longer than usual (Requires Client Confirmation) approx around 2-3 Hrs.


All OS TIBCO BW 5.13 + Tibco ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plugin for Websphere MQ 7.4 , 7.5


If customer wants a code fix, check the thread pool size of get activity and listener instances values. The thread pool size of get should be bigger than the listener instances as get may take more time than listener.

Or Please install the MQ plugin 7.5 HF 3 or MQ plugin 7.6 as this issue has been resolved in respective versions.