Connecting to Oracle 11.2g Database from Team Studio fails with an error

Connecting to Oracle 11.2g Database from Team Studio fails with an error


Article ID: KB0076334


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Data Science Team Studio 6.5.0


When trying to create an Oracle Data Source, nothing happens after we press the connect button. Team Studio production.log captures the following error message:
Oracle error code type = DATABASE_MISSING
Oracle error code = 12514

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Connecting to Oracle 11.2g Database from Team Studio fails with an error "Oracle error code type = DATABASE_MISSING and Oracle error code = 12514"


Oracle error code 12514 means that a listener received a request to establish a connection to a database or other service and that the listener does not know the actual name of the serve requested.

When creating the Oracle Data Source connection, we need to ensure the Database Name matches the SID or Service_Name for the Oracle 11.2g Database.  We can locate the SID by located the following file, tnsnames.ora.  DIR: $ORACLE_HOME/11.2.0/dbhome_2/NETWORK/ADMIN (might be different for each installation)
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