Connecting to a Remote ActiveSpaces Metaspace as a Leech

Connecting to a Remote ActiveSpaces Metaspace as a Leech


Article ID: KB0083638


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Streaming 7.7


Attempting to connect to a remote metaspace using the StreamBase ActiveSpaces operator as a leech results in a connection failure preceded by the following warning:
[2017-08-24T13:58:38.867][19724][5596][WARNING][][DiscoveryManager.cpp:652][DiscoveryManager::processMemberConnectTimeout] waiting for discovery nodes, retry count [3], discovery [tcp://10.x.x.x:xxx]



Provides details on connecting to a remote metaspace as a leech using the SB ActiveSpaces Operator.


Add the 'remote=true' option to the discovery-url in sbd.sbconf.  For example:
<adapter-configuration name="activespaces">
	    	<!-- This section defines a Metaspace -->
		    <section name="metaspace-definition">
		        <setting name="id" val="sbms"/>
		        <setting name="member-name" val="me"/>
		        <!-- Edit these URLs to reflect your Metaspace's required values -->
		        <setting name="discovery-url" val="tcp://10.x.x.x.:xxx?remote=true"/>
		        <setting name="listen-url" val="tcp://"/>
		        <setting name="reconnect-interval-ms" val="10000"/>
		        <setting name="connection-timeout-ms" val="30000"/>