When using TIBCO Spotfire Connector for Snowflake and Okta as authentication method, it may fail with the following error which can be seen in the snowflake_odbc_connection.log(log generated in Snowflake ODBC installation directory based on the Tracing level set in the DSN configuration.)
Sep 25 19:31:20 INFO 49080 ConnectionSettings::UpdateSettings: ----- exit -----
Sep 25 19:31:22 ERROR 49080 Connection::SQLDriverConnectW: [Snowflake][Snowflake] (35)
The specified authenticator and destination URL in Saml Assertion did not match, expected=XXXX, post back=/login/cert
The cause of this issue is either because of wrong snowflake destination url setup in application settings of okta or if multi factor authentication is enabled on okta. Above error is the example if SAML is choosen as sign on method. But same reasons apply if Sign on method is one of Secure web authentication or OpenID.