Converting Data Type From Decimal To BigInt Decimal Places Are Truncated

Converting Data Type From Decimal To BigInt Decimal Places Are Truncated


Article ID: KB0078366


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Scribe Insight 7.9.3


In TIBCO Scribe® Insight Version 7.9.3, when converting from a Decimal data type to BigInt, decimal places are truncated instead of being rounded. For example, if the decimal value is 100.5, when the data type is changed to BigInt, the value becomes 100. In prior versions of Insight, the value was converted to 101.


In TIBCO Scribe® Insight if you convert data from a Decimal type to Bigint, decimal places are truncated.


If you need the decimal to be rounded, use the ROUND function instead. For more information, see ROUND in the TIBCO Scribe® Insight Help.

NOTE: You can use the SQL ARITHABORT setting to track errors.
