How to create and use VPN Connection in Application over TCI

How to create and use VPN Connection in Application over TCI


Article ID: KB0081564


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TIBCO Cloud Integration -


A VPN connection defines the connectivity settings and credentials required to enable a VPN connection to your on-premise services such as JMS/DB/FTP servers, etc.

Steps to create VPN Connection :

1. Login to TCI and navigate to VPN connections.

2. Click on add VPN connections and you can add the details:
    - Server URL-The URL for your  VPN server.
    - User name-The username to log in to your VPN server.
    - Password-The password to log in to your VPN server.

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3. Click on save and the connection will be available to use.

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Use VPN in application:

1. Click on the Apps menu and select any TIBCO BusinessWorks or Node.js application.

2. Go to Environment Controls tab and select VPN connections. 0/0 Instances will be shown when the application is stopped.

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3. If application is connected for the first time with VPN, you will get updates to push the application and it will appear when app is starting

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4. When application is scaled successfully, the connection will be :

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5. Similar logs will be seen once the VPN is connected with the application
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Note: if you delete a VPN connection that is currently in use, Apps will continue to use the connection until they are restarted.

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Create a VPN connection and use it in applications

