Creating a data source to OSIsoft PI database throws the error, "SSL connect failed in tcp_connect()".

Creating a data source to OSIsoft PI database throws the error, "SSL connect failed in tcp_connect()".


Article ID: KB0083071


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Analyst 7.0.x and later


Creating a data source to OSIsoft PI database throws the error,

"SSL connect failed in tcp_connect()".


Creating a data source to OSIsoft PI database throws the error, "SSL connect failed in tcp_connect()".


In the JDBC connection URL for an OSIsoft PI database, the hostname of the machine that initiates the connection must be used. (Other JDBC connection URLs typically use the database name.) 

The following URL is an example for such an OSIsoft PI database connection. Most of the online references indicate this as localhost, i.e., the machine that is establishing the connection, followed by the database name.
jdbc:pisql://SpotfireSERVER/Data Source=osisoftDBSERVER; Integrated Security=SSPI; 

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