Creating a property control drop-down list to select columns in a data table

Creating a property control drop-down list to select columns in a data table


Article ID: KB0070183


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Products Versions
Spotfire Analyst -


When creating a drop-down property controls to select a subset of columns in a data table the selected columns are not displaying properly in the control.


When creating a drop-down property control to select columns in a data table sometimes the incorrect columns are displayed in the property control


1.  Create drop-down property control
2.  Click on 'Select Columns' and create column property to set desired columns by clicking on 'New'
3.  All available columns will be listed under 'Selected columns'.  Use "Remove All" to remove all of them from the list, then use "Add" to add back the columns for this property control.  Just removing unnecessary columns doesn't always work as expected.