Different errors you might see in the Automation Services log and solutions to them:
- “You do not have sufficient privileges for this action.”
If you see this error, you do not have license “TIBCO Spotfire Information Modeler” added on the Automation Services Users Group. This license is needed in order to have permission to set up and edit data sources used by information links.
- “The automationservices principal has insufficient privileges.”
If you see this error, your Automation Services user do not have Modify rights on the folder/s containing the data source/s that is setup to be remapped.
- “System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Unable to retrieve the decryption key.”
If you see this error, it means that the certificate, used in the settings for the ”Remap Data Sources” job, has not been installed on the Node Manager running Automation Services.