Custom Well Status Codes - OpenSpirit to Petrel

Custom Well Status Codes - OpenSpirit to Petrel


Article ID: KB0080142


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO OpenSpirit Runtime 4.2.0 & 4.3.0


First and foremost OpenSpirit does NOT move well symbols. OpenSpirit uses the POSC definition of a well’s status as being described by 4 attributes:
  1. Bore Status
  2. Flow Direction
  3. Fluid Type
  4. Show Type
OpenSpirit has mapping MetaData (RVS) that takes well status information for supported data stores and “maps” that to the 4 attributes.  This explanation will deal with the OpenWorks à OpenSpirit àPetrel workflow.  However, this procedure will work with any OpenSpirit supported data store.

OpenWorks has one and only one attribute for well status call CURRENT STATUS:
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Viewing the OpenWorks wells in the OpenSpirit Data Selector the mapping from the OW Current Status to the 4 well status attributes is done automatically using the maps stored in RVS:

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When wells from OpenSpirit are moved into Petrel another set of mapping is used to map the 4 well status attributes to a Petrel Symbol, basically an ID number that corresponds to a .PNG symbol picture file. 
OpenSpirit Petrel mapping files are located in:
$PETREL_HOME\Extensions\TIBCO\OpenSpirit Adapter NN.N.N
and are called:
  • OpenSpiritWellSymbolToWellType.xml – OpenSpirit à Petrel
  • WellTypeToOpenSpiritWellSymbol.xml – Petrel à OpenSpirit 
Petrel mapping file (ID number to symbol icon file & description is located in:
and called:
  • PetrelSymbolFile.xml
Petrel Window


How to configure OpenSpirit and Petrel to accept custom well status attributes when transferring well data between an OpenSpirit supported data store and Petrel.



It was requested that customizedwell status attributes be mapped to the OpenSpirit Metadata database mapping.  The requirement was to facilitate the transfer of well data into Petrel and have the well status mapped to the correct well symbol in Petrel.

The solution that was agreed upon was, instead of providing custom mappings, the OpenWorks data connector was modified to optionally turn off the reference value service (RVS) handling of the BoreStatus, FlowDirection, FluidType, and ShowType attributes.
A new parameter, in the form of a toggle switch, was added to the Data Source configuration panel.  If this option is checked, the OpenSpirit data connector will not use the reference value service (RVS) for the four status attributes.  Instead, it will populate the OpenSpirit BoreStatus, FlowDirection, FluidType, and ShowType values with the Data Store's database value for Well Status (that  attribute name varies per data store).   In other words OpenSpirit will simply pass through the Well Status to the OpenSpirit BoreStatus, FattibutelowDirection, FluidType, and ShowType values which are then read by Petrel.  (The default option will be to use the RVS mappings).
Using this methodology a client would be able to add new custom status codes to their data store (e.g. OpenWorks, Studio, Kingdom, etc) and they would automatically be recognized by Petrel (providing the Petrel mappings were updated accordingly).

NOTE:  Enabling this option will likely prevent successful copying of well status information when using OpenSpirit Copy Manager to copy data from one data store type to a different data store type. Copying between dissimilar data store types usually requires well status information to be mapped from the source data store's well status values to the OpenSpirit well status values and then to the target data store's allowable values. Disabling this mapping may cause copied wells to have an UNKNOWN status. The skip option is typically used when importing well status information from a data store to an application such as Petrel. Select this option if you want to preserve the original well status value rather than using the OpenSpirit canonical well status values. Therefore it is recommended to have 2 data store configurations, one with the skip well status mappings option on and one with the skip well status mappings option off.


  1. Start the OpenSpirit Desktop.
  2. Configure a new OpenWorks R5000 data source by making a copy of an existing OpenWorks R5000 data source:User-added image
  3. In the new/copied Data Source configuration panel select the 'Skip well status mapping' checkbox near the bottom to turn on the new feature.
    User-added image


Basically with this enhancement OpenSpirit reads whatever is in the OpenWorks Current (Well) Status field and populating the Bore Status, Flow Direction, Fluid Type & Show Type fields.  See example of data selector below:
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Before this enhancement can be used with Petrel the OpenSpiritWellSymbolToWellType.xml file must be modified to include the desired custom well statuses from OpenWorks.  This file is located in the following directory:

$PETREL_HOME\Extensions\TIBCO\OpenSpirit Adapter NN.N.N

Using your favorite XML editor, edit the OpenSpiritWellSymbolToWellType.xml to change the value for the four statuses (BoreStatus, FlowDirection, FluidType and ShowType) that will be mapped to the Petrel Well Type code number. 

In the example below:

  • WATER SUPPLY is mapped to well type 62
  • DRY HOLE is mapped to well type 18
  • OIL is mapped to well type 20
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    Additional Information

    User Workflow

    Once the new functionality is configured and the required .XML files have been edited the following is an example of the user workflow.  The example workflow describes importing well 17-WX-21 from OpenWorks into Petrel.

    1. Looking at Well 17-WX-21 in the OpenWorks Data Manager its Current Status is set to “WATER SUPPLYUser-added image
    2. The User starts Petrel and connects to OpenSpirit.  When the user is asked to select an OpenWorks project to use, the project MUST be selected from the new OpenWorks configuration (see Configuration section).  User-added image

    3. In the OpenSpirit Data Selector the user selects Well 17-WX-21 to import into Petrel. 
      Notice that the Well Status, Bore Status, Flow Direction and Show Type are all set to the OW Current Status:  WATER SUPPLY.User-added image

    4. Well 17-WX-21 is imported into Petrel via the OpenSpirit Petrel Adapter and is assigned Well symbol “62” which corresponds to the mappings in the OpenSpirit and Petrel XML mapping files.User-added image