Data Entry:An unexpected error - Event log with details of error on server

Data Entry:An unexpected error - Event log with details of error on server


Article ID: KB0080515


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Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 12 and later versions


How to troubleshoot data entry error : "An unexpected error has occurred in Statistica Web Data Entry. An event log message with details of the error has been logged on the server " ?

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How to troubleshoot data entry error : "An unexpected error has occurred in Statistica Web Data Entry. An event log message with details of the error has been logged on the server " ?


1. Login to the Data Entry Server as an administrator, launch Control Panel >> System and Security>> Administrative Tools>> Event Viewer. Expand Windows logs>>Application to see details of the error.

2. Check for details of the error.
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3. If the error message is :A compilation error has occurred as shown above, then examine the exception message in the same event and check for the presence of the file in the location:

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4. If the file was missing, place the file in the folder. Create a case in, if necessary with event log details.

5. In order to ensure that the necessary files get recompiled after the update , a few commands in administrative command prompt can be run . Launch start menu and type cmd. Right click and select "Run as administrator" .

6. Type CD [drive] \WebSTATISTICAPub\ DataEntry
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  Execute :  attrib -r global.asax  followed by  copy /b global.asax +,,  followed by iisreset as shown above.

7. Reload the data entry page to ensure the page is up and running. If the error in event log is not a compilation error as indicated in this article or if the error persists, raise a case for TIBCO Sattistica.