Attempt the solutions in order below:
SOLUTION ONE Using Windows NT authentication in the DSN connection may cause the error. Change to SQL Server authentication by re-configuring the DSN:
1. Go to
Control Panel-->
Administrative Tools-->
ODBC Data Sources. Select the "System" tab, select the enterprise metadata database and click the "Configure" button.
2. Select the "With SQL Server authentication..." option and enter the SQL ID and password:
3. Continue through the configuration and click "Finish."
4. Launch Statistica and perform the database update again:
SOLUTION TWO The sysadmin (or dbcreator) in MS SQL databases has the permissions to create tables. To resolve this issue, temporarily add the Statistica database user to the sysadmin (or dbcreator) group:
1. With Microsoft SQL Management Studio, right click on the user and select "Properties."
2. Select "Server Roles" and check the "sysadmin" box:
3. Click the OK button.
4. Launch Statistica and perform the database update again: