Deploying Cobranding in Containerized Spotfire: A Quick Guide

Deploying Cobranding in Containerized Spotfire: A Quick Guide


Article ID: KB0070028


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Spotfire Developer All supported versions


When deploying Spotfire cobranding in a containerized environment, you may encounter an issue that only the content inside the 'WebHeader.htm' file displays. This means that cobranding in a containerized environment needs additional configuration for certain elements to display correctly. For full functionality the cobranding '.spk' file needs to be embedded within the Spotfire container, not just deployed on the Spotfire server.


This guide provides a concise step-by-step process to deploy a cobranding package within a containerized Spotfire environment.




Step 1: Create the Cobranding Package

1. Prepare Files:

  • PNG files (logos/images)
  • landingPage.html
  • cobranding.config
  • pkdesc
  • module.xml
  • WebHeader.htm

2. Generate the '.spk' file. The cobranding '.spk' file needs to be part of the container, either at build time or mounted as a custom module. Ensure that all the contents of the '.spk' are included within the container image. See Using custom modules with spotfire-webplayer (or spotfire-automationservices)

Step 2: Embed and Deploy the Cobranding Package
1. Embed in Docker Image. Place the '.spk'  file in the `build/` directory of your Spotfire Web Player image.
2. Deploy the Image.

Step 3: Deploy on Spotfire Server
1. Upload and deploy the '.spk' file to the Production Area in the web-based Spotfire Administrator console.

Step 4: Optional - Set Linux Metadata
1. Ensure that the '.spk' package is properly configured for Linux environments by setting the correct metadata. This step is crucial for deploying cobranding packages in containerized Spotfire deployments.

Step 5: Verify and Test
1. Confirm that all cobranding elements are correctly displayed in the Spotfire environment.

By following these steps, your cobranding package will be successfully deployed in a containerized Spotfire setup.

Additional Information

Doc: Creating and deploying a cobranding package GitHub: Using custom modules with spotfire-webplayer (or spotfire-automationservices)