Deployment Manager errors while running the plan

Deployment Manager errors while running the plan


Article ID: KB0080589


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization 7.0.6


Deployment Manager errors while running the plan. The DM portal does not display any errors but the CS_Server.log indicates the below exception: 

ERROR [jetty thread pool-6136451] 2018-08-31 10:30:52.041 -0500 LoggingDeploymentEngine -
com.compositesw.client.CaRuntimeException: Remote host closed connection during handshake



Deployment Manager errors while running the plan


This issue is happening because certificates are imported into Keystore files unexpectedly.

To resolve the issue, reset the Keystore files from another environment by following the below steps:
1. Shutdown the Non-Working environment. 
2. Take a backup of the <install>conf\server\security directory in the Non-Working environment. 
3. Login to the Working environment. Copy all the JKS files from the <install>conf\server\security directory. 
4. Paste them in the Non-working environment's <install>conf\server\security directory. 
5. Restart the Server after making this change. 

This will reset and resolve the SSL issue encountered  by the Deployment Manager.