Difference in the durable names retrieved - depending on what is used to get them - admin tool -vs- API call.

Difference in the durable names retrieved - depending on what is used to get them - admin tool -vs- API call.


Article ID: KB0077555


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TIBCO Enterprise Message Service All


Difference can be seen in the durable names retrieved depending on what is used to get them-admin tool Vs API call. For example:
We see durable name as ‘bw:Test1’ using  ‘ show durables’ command, while we get durable name as ‘Test1’ when using API call.


Difference in the durable names retrieved - depending on what is used to get them - admin tool -vs- API call.




-- When both the durable name and the client ID are specified, the EMS Administration tool prints durable name as ‘clientID:durable-name’ when ‘show durables’ command is run.
tcp://localhost:7222> show durables
  Topic Name         Durable                                 Shared  User         Msgs    Size
  * case.topic.new     subscriber                              N       <offline>       5     0.6 Kb
* case.topic.new     Test:Test                               N       admin           0     0.0 Kb
* case.topic.new     bw:Test1                                N       admin           0     0.0 Kb
* case.topic.new     bw:Test3                                N       <offline>       3     0.4 Kb
  sample             testadmin1                              N       <offline>       0     0.0 Kb
Here for Durable ‘bw:Test1’,’ bw’ is Client ID and ‘Test1’ is durable name i.e subscription name. You can see this using ‘show durable <durable name>’ command.
tcp://localhost:7222> show durable bw:Test1
 Durable Subscriber:  bw:Test1
 Subscription name:   Test1
 Shared:              no
 Client ID:           bw
 Topic:               case.topic.new
 Type:                dynamic
 Status:              online
 Username:            admin
 Consumer ID:         81
 No Local:            disabled
 Selector:            <none>
 Pending Msgs:        0
 Delivered Msgs:      0
 Pending Msgs Size:   0.0 Kb

-- While admin java api getDurableName() method of DurableInfo class only return durable-name, you need to call getClientID() method to get clientID.

-- While getDurableName() method of ConsumerInfo class, retrieves durable name as clientID:durable-name if durable name and client ID is specified.

Additional Information

TIBCO EMS Java API and user guide