Does an Ado.NET application use the Ado.NET driver registered in the GAC (Global Assembly Cache)?

Does an Ado.NET application use the Ado.NET driver registered in the GAC (Global Assembly Cache)?


Article ID: KB0083074


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization 7.0.0 and higher


The Ado.NET driver is a DLL file. This DLL is registered in the GAC by the Ado.NET driver installer.
Your .NET application will use the following rules of precedence to find the DLL:
       (1)     Search the GAC (Global Assembly Cache)
       (2)     Search the codebase of app.config
       (3)     Search the applications path
       (4)     Search the privatePath of app.config
If you run the application on a computer on which you have not previously run the Ado.Net installer, the driver will not be present in the GAC, and so rules 2,3, and 4 will be used to find the DLL.


Does an Ado.NET application use the Ado.NET driver registered in the GAC (Global Assembly Cache)?


Ado.NET applications use the Ado.NET driver to connect to a TIBCO Data Virtualization server. This article discusses the rules of precedence that applications follow in order to find the driver on your system..