EMS 10.x or TIBCO Cloud Messaging Java clients to connect to an EMS server with TLS connections

EMS 10.x or TIBCO Cloud Messaging Java clients to connect to an EMS server with TLS connections


Article ID: KB0072157


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service 10.1.0+


If you are running EMS 10.x or TIBCO Cloud Messaging Java clients to connect to an EMS server with TLS connections, you must use a JDK/JRE newer than version 8u261 where TLS 1.3 support was added even if you will only be using TLS 1.2 ciphers.  The JAAS exception management in the pre-JDK 8u261 versions does not allow the EMS Java client to operate with TLS 1.2.For more details, please refer:


EMS 10.x or TIBCO Cloud Messaging Java clients to connect to an EMS server with TLS connections