Article ID: KB0081375
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Error: "Cause: Invalid column name 'COLUMNNAME'" (full error trace and screenshot showing error attached) when trying to run information link created from a view published in Advanced Data Services Composite Studio through Excel data adapter (NON-ODBC) as data source but the same view is working fine when running in Advanced Data Services Composite Studio. The full error trace and screenshot is attached (Filename: ErrorTrace.txt, ErrorRunningInformationLInk.PNG).
Error: "Cause: Invalid column name 'COLUMNNAME'". Running the view in Composite Studio (ADS) works fine but it throws an error when accessed by a Spotfire information link.
Full Error : InformationModelException at Spotfire.Dxp.Data:
Failed to execute query: An exception occurred when executing the following query: "SELECT S1."Sample Date" AS "SAMPLEDATE", S1."Sputter Line" AS "SPUTTERLINE", S1."Product" AS "PRODUCT", S1."Sample Type" AS "SAMPLETYPE", S1."Remark" AS "REMARK", S1."CleanLine" AS "CLEANLINE", S1."TestCell" AS "TESTCELL", S1."Tester" AS "TESTER", S1."Lot_Id_code" AS "LOTIDCODE", S1."Lot_No" AS "LOTNO", S1."Slot_No" AS "SLOTNO", S1."Grade" AS "GRADE", S1."Glide_End_Time" AS "GLIDEENDTIME", S1."Small TA Top" AS "SMALLTATOP", S1."Small TA Bot" AS "SMALLTABOT", S1."Medium TA Top" AS "MEDIUMTATOP", S1."Medium TA Bot" AS "MEDIUMTABOT", S1."Large Void" AS "LARGEVOID", S1."Large TA Bot" AS "LARGETABOT", S1."Med+Large TA Top" AS "MEDLARGETATOP", S1."Med+Large TA Bot" AS "MEDLARGETABOT", S1."Total TA Top" AS "TOTALTATOP", S1."Total TA Bot" AS "TOTALTABOT" FROM "Sheet1" S1". Cause: Invalid column name 'Grade'. On line 1, column 332. [parser-2900650] Invalid column name 'Grade'. On line 1, column 332. [parser-2900650]
Cause: This error is due to an extra space in the column name in Excel.
Error: "Cause: Invalid column name 'COLUMNNAME'" when opening information link using TIBCO Data Virtualization(ADS/Composite/CIS) data source
All Supported Operating Systems
Remove the extra space from the column name in Excel and save the file.