Error: "failed to connect" message when using LLTCP forwarding with TIBCO LogLogic LMI

Error: "failed to connect" message when using LLTCP forwarding with TIBCO LogLogic LMI


Article ID: KB0077527


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Products Versions
TIBCO LogLogic Log Management Intelligence and below


When setting up a forwarding rule to a downstream LMI appliance the downstream appliance must auto-discover the transmitting appliance and display it on the Administration->Message Routing page under the Upstream Device section. However, this will fail if you have established a connection previously using some other method and are trying to establish a new connection. 



This article explains what can cause the Error: "failed to connect" message when using LLTCP forwarding with LogLogic LMI.


Log on to the receiving appliance then delete the auto-discovered upstream appliance on the Administration->Message Routing page.