Error: "unrecognized PMML model" for Rapid deployment of PLS or PCA PMML codes

Error: "unrecognized PMML model" for Rapid deployment of PLS or PCA PMML codes


Article ID: KB0080919


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 12.7 and later


Description: When using the Rapid Deployment to deploy the PMML codes generated from Partial Least Square Regression or Principal Components Analysis, you get the error message "unrecognized PMML model".

Cause: PMML generated by PLS, PCA cannot be consumed by RapidDeployment but MSPCDeployment 


Error: "unrecognized PMML model" for Rapid deployment of PLS or PCA PMML codes


Use MSPCDeployment  available under|Statistics|PLS, PCA...|Multivariate Statistical Process Control Deployment