The ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel error is a generic error. The ORA-03113 error when connecting suggests that the connection to Oracle was established, but lost later, like a timeout or due to network specific issues, and generally means that the client cannot communicate with the Oracle shadow process. This usually happens when the Oracle server process has died for some reason. This error is being thrown from Oracle server and it is not a Spotfire specific issue. The Oracle database administrator needs to be involved in order to address the issue.
Some of the common causes are :
- Server machine crashed.
- Your server process was killed at OS level
- Network problems
- Oracle internal errors / aborts on the server
- Client incorrectly handling multiple connections
There may may be multiple root causes for this error, but one likely reason may be a firewall idle session timeout or connection timeout, which causes the connection to get dropped off. In this case, the solution is to increase the expiry of the Oracle handshake.
The Oracle DBA can also look in the Oracle alert.log file for any errors, check to see if the the server process is dead, or check if a trace file was generated at the time of the error. If required, Oracle support can be contacted.