Errors with Web data entry that suggest conversion from string to boolean is not valid after applying Patch 131UPD001

Errors with Web data entry that suggest conversion from string to boolean is not valid after applying Patch 131UPD001


Article ID: KB0081256


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.1 + 131UPD001


Web Data Entry throws exception if web.config setting UseDateTimeLabelDisplayFormat is not present in web.config file. Error Text : An unexpected error occured in PlaceByRowsLabelsandTextBox:Conversion from String ""to type Boolean is not valid. Error displaying data entry grod.Object Variable or With block variable not set.

User-added image

Cause: This is caused by a missing web.config option that the Web Data Entry code in the patch didn’t handle gracefully  


Errors with Web data entry that suggest conversion from string to boolean is not valid after applying 131UPD001




The issue has been fixed with a new update installer for 131UPD001.


1. On the Web Data Entry Server,browse to : [Drive]:\WebSTATISTICAPub\DataEntry\ and locate the file named web.config.

2. Add the setting :

     <!-- Specify whether date/time labels should use the DateFormat configuration option or respect the display format configured in Enterprise Manager -->

    <add key="UseDateTimeLabelDisplayFormat" value="true"/>

3. Save the changes. 
4.  Open Command prompt as an Administrator and run the command:  iisreset (Note : This step will disconnect all data entry users logged into the system. it is recommended to do this at a time when users are minimally logged into data entry)

Additional Information

Legacy Article ID: 210527 (Issue: 107173)