There are two things that need to check:
A)- Check whether the keytab file that you have generated (using ktpass command) earlier has the realm in lower case. If yes, you need to run ktpass command again to create keytab file with realm in upper case and use this newly created keytab file in rest of kerberos configuration.
Refer below manual for more information related to ktpass command and realm part in command: After creating new keytab file in above step, run kinit command with realm in upper case as below:
kinit.bat -k -t <spotfire_Server_Install_dir>\tomcat\spotfire-config\Spotfire.keytab HTTP/
B)- If the keytab file that you have generated (using ktpass command) earlier has the realm in upper case then you only need to run kinit command with realm in upper case as below:
kinit.bat -k -t <spotfire_Server_Install_dir>\tomcat\spotfire-config\Spotfire.keytab HTTP/