Article ID: KB0075819
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1. Enable Transport in EMS main config file:
You must properly configure these transports. Additionally, you must configure the parameter module_path (in the
configuration file tibemsd.conf) to specify the location of the Rendezvous shared library files.
##in tibemsd.conf:
tibrv_transports = enabled
->Specifies whether TIBCO Rendezvous transports defined in transports.conf are enabled or disabled."
module_path =D:\Training\JAAS\server1\ems\8.4\bin;D:\RV\tibrv\8.4\bin
2. Define transports in transports.conf:
Transports determine how messages are imported.Rendezvous messages that are imported through a transport are held in queues specific to that transport. Each transports is associated with a different rendezvous queue
# In transports.conf:
type = tibrv
service =
network =
daemon =
topic_import_dm = TIBEMS_RELIABLE
queue_import_dm = TIBEMS_RELIABLE
Please find below explanation for above parameters in transports.conf:
a)type : Required.
For Rendezvous transports, the value must be either tibrv or tibrvcm.
b)Rendezvous Parameters: Use these properties for either tibrv or tibrvcm transports.
The syntax and semantics of these parameters are identical to the corresponding parameters in
Rendezvous clients. For full details, see the Rendezvous documentation set.
service-> When absent, the default value is 7500.
network-> When absent, the default value is the host computer’s primary network.
daemon-> When absent, the default value is an rvd process on the local host computer.
If you want ,you can refer user guide for rvcm related parameters.
c)topic_import_dm and queue_import_dm:
EMS sending clients can set the JMSDeliveryMode header field for each message. However, Rendezvous clients cannot set this header. Instead, these two parameters determine the delivery modes for all topic messages and queue messages that tibemsd imports on this transport.
It can have any one of below values:
*When absent, the default is TIBEMS_NON_PERSISTENT.
3. Add import,export properties to destinations:
Note that queue only imports.Topics can both export and import messages.
in queues.conf:
myQueue trace=body,import="RV"
in topics.conf:
myTopic global,import="RV",export="RV"
->import : import instructs tibemsd to import messages that arrive on those transports
from Rendezvous, and deliver them to the EMS destination.
->export : export instructs tibemsd to take messages that arrive on the EMS destination,
and export them to Rendezvous via those transports.
4. You can also configure topics using the administration tool command addprop topic.
For example, the following tibemsadmin commands configure the topic to import messages on the transports RV01 and RV02, and to export messages on the transport RV02.
addprop topic import="RV01,RV02"
addprop topic export="RV02"
Here ,rendezvous messages with subject arrive at tibemsd over the transports RV01 and RV02. EMS clients can receive those messages by subscribing to EMS messages sent to are exported to Rendezvous over transport RV02. Rendezvous clients of the corresponding daemons can receive those messages by subscribing to
5. Testing:
=>You can check if the transport is created successfully with sending messages from RV to topic using tibrvsend and listening for that topic on EMS using sample program tibjmsMsgConsumer
tibrvsend myTopic "HI RV"
java tibjmsMsgConsumer -topic myTopic
Similarly you can check whether messages are being sent to RV from EMS using tibjmsMsgProducer to send message from EMS and tibrvlisten to receive message from RV.
For more detailed information you can refer "Configuring Transports for Rendezvous" in EMS user guide.
This article contain configuration steps needed to do for creating transport between RV and EMS.