Executing a TIBCO Data Virtualization Packaged Query with UNNEST keyword against Couchbase database fails with error 'Malformed SQL Statement: Unexpected token encountered: [UNNEST]'

Executing a TIBCO Data Virtualization Packaged Query with UNNEST keyword against Couchbase database fails with error 'Malformed SQL Statement: Unexpected token encountered: [UNNEST]'


Article ID: KB0074685


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Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization All supported versions


In TIBCO Data Virtualization, executing a Packaged Query with UNNEST keyword against the Couchbase database fails with the following error:
 Unable to retrieve result from data source "/shared/In-house Couchbase DB/TIBCO CB" during query     execution.  Failed query: "select   *  from     `beer-sample` as beer   UNNEST(beer.geo) as     geometry;".  [data-3923000] Cause: Malformed SQL Statement: Unexpected token encountered: [UNNEST]. Statement:select   *  from     `beer-sample` as beer   UNNEST(beer.geo) as geometry; [Log ID: 80024fdf-a725-4356-a8d0-f1d20f6007e2]
Here is a screenshot for reference:
User-added image


Executing a TIBCO Data Virtualization Packaged Query with UNNEST keyword against Couchbase database fails with error 'Malformed SQL Statement: Unexpected token encountered: [UNNEST]'


All supported Operating Systems


To resolve this issue, perform the below steps:
(1) From TDV Studio, Open Couchbase data source.
(2) In the Find section, search for keyword 'Other'.
(3) In the 'Other' property box, include the option 'QueryPassThrough=true' without the quotes.
(4) Save changes and run the Packaged Query again. 

Here is a GIF for reference:
User-added image