When Monitoring logging is enabled on a Web Player/Automation Service instance, most of the logs are set to "Debug" (as shown in the image below).
Disabling the Monitoring logging changes some of the logs to "INFO" level and some logs are turned off. Only "RootLogLevel" is "DEBUG" with monitoring logging off (as shown in the image below).
These log levels can be checked following the steps below.
- Log in to the the Spotfire Administrator UI
- Go to "Monitoring & Diagnostics"
- Select the Web Player/Automation service instance on the left hand side
- Under Diagnostics, select the drop down that shows "Analyses and Diagnostics" and select "Service Configuration"
- Scroll down and look for "Logging". This will show the logging levels for different service logs
This is shown in the image below.
If one or more logs under the "Logging" section needs to be customized to DEBUG/INFO/OFF, it can be done by modifying the "log4net.config" file. The following steps should be performed for this.
- Export the Service Configuration using "export-service-config" command on the Spotfire Server machine
Example: config export-service-config --capability=WEB_PLAYER --deployment-area=Production
- Go to "Spotfire Server installation directory\tibco\tss\version\tomcat\bin\config\root" and open "log4net" configuration file in a text editor
- Within the editor, search for the log whose log level needs to be customized. For example, search for "MonitoringEvents" to change the log level for "MonitoringEventsLogLevel"
- After making the changes, save the file
- Import the service configuration using "import-service-config" command
Example: config import-service-config --config-name=myConfigName
- Set this configuration for the desired Web Player/Automation Service instance through the Spotfire Administrator UI==>Nodes and Services
This is shown in the image below.
Note: By selecting "Restore monitoring logging" for the Web Player/Automation service, monitoring logging can be disabled and the log levels in the default "log4net.config" file will be active.