FTL Output adapter reports: Error processing field theTuple: null

FTL Output adapter reports: Error processing field theTuple: null


Article ID: KB0072502


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Streaming 10.6


The following error is seen when attempting to publish a new FTL message that contains a tuple field named ' theTuple':
 ERROR OutputAdapter: Error processing field theTuple: null

If the FTL Output adapter's Log Level property is set to ' DEBUG', this reveals a NullPointerException has occurred:
 ERROR OutputAdapter: Error processing field theTuple: null java.lang.NullPointerException: null  at com.streambase.sb.adapter.tibcoftl.FTLUtil.convertTupleToFTLMessage(FTLUtil.java:435)  at com.streambase.sb.adapter.tibcoftl.FTLManagerOutputImpl.processTuple(FTLManagerOutputImpl.java:178)  at com.streambase.sb.adapter.tibcoftl.TibcoFTLOutput.processTuple(TibcoFTLOutput.java:259)  at com.streambase.sb.runtime.OperatorCaretakerImpl.processTupleImpl(OperatorCaretakerImpl.java:939)  at com.streambase.sb.runtime.OperatorCaretakerImpl.processDataClass(OperatorCaretakerImpl.java:911)  at sb._default_.com.example.sample_ftl.tibco_ftl.op___Output_Adapter__1(Unknown Source)

The tuple field ' theTuple' has two sub-fields: ' firstField' and ' secondField' (both of type ' string').


Outlines the reason why you may see the error message noted in the article's Description below, and what steps are needed to resolve it.


This exception indicates that the FTL Output adapter's ' Nested Message Formats' properties section (under the ' Message Formats' tab) has not been configured for this tuple field:

no format

To resolve this issue, first create a Named Schema for your nested message:

named schema

Then use this Named Schema to configure the FTL Output adapter's ' Nested Message Formats':

nested format used

This should avoid the NullPointerException noted above.