Failed to create Keytab file with error "Failed to set property 'userPrincipalName'"
Article ID: KB0077040
Updated On:
Spotfire Server
All Versions
Failed to create keytab file with below error returned: ------------- ktpass /princ HTTP/ /ptype krb5_nt_principal /crypto aes128-sha1 /mapuser spotsvc /out spotfire.keytab -kvno 0 /pass spotsvcpassword -------------- Targeting domain controller: Failed to set property 'userPrincipalName' to 'HTTP/' on Dn 'CN= spotsvc,CN=Users,DC=research,DC=example,DC=com': 0x13.
WARNING: Failed to set UPN HTTP/ on CN=spotsvc,CN=Users,DC=research,DC=example,DC=com. kinits to 'HTTP/' will fail. Successfully mapped HTTP/ to spotsvc. Password successfully set!
Failed to create Keytab file with error "Failed to set property 'userPrincipalName'"
Check whether the UAC is enabled on the server which you run the command on, if yes, please have a try to take that same command and run it on the same server after disabling UAC and rebooting server, then see if the warning is gone.
In addition, make sure that the account which is used to run the command is from a member of Domain Admins, Schema Admins, Enterprise Admins, and the built-in Administrators group.
If the above doesn't work, check if there are duplicate accounts with the same UserPrincipalName. You can try running the ktpass command with the shortname e.g