TIBCO Spotfire has a configurable limit to the maximum number of relations which can be encountered in situations with large and/or complex data tables which are related.
To resolve:
- Open Tools > Administration Manager > Preferences > DataOptimization > DataOptimizationPreferences
- Increase the values from their default limits.
- MarkingInQueryLimit (Default is 15000)
- MarkingWhereClauseLimit (Default is 1000)
- Save the changes to the preferences.
- Close and reopen the client.
Description of preferences:
- MarkingInQueryLimit - Limit applicable for queries within a single column. Specifies the limit for how large queries should be allowed when marking or transferring markings or filterings between related tables. The default is 15000.
- MarkingWhereClauseLimit - Limit applicable for queries involving multiple columns. Specifies the limit for how large queries should be allowed when marking or transferring markings or filterings between related tables. Default is 1000.
: Changing these preferences may have a negative impact on performance. Increase the values with caution.