Gateway Instances not visible in Admin GUI when initialized the MySQL8 DB

Gateway Instances not visible in Admin GUI when initialized the MySQL8 DB


Article ID: KB0070572


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect 7.4.0


GS server startup log shows it is started successfully, but 'Gateway Instances' is not appearing on Admin GUI.

Error observed in Interior Server logs:

BW.BusinessConnect-Interior_Server Error [Level] BW-EXT-LOG-100000 tibcobc While executing: null: Field 'TS' doesn't have a default value


Gateway Instances not visible in Admin GUI when initialized the MySQL8 DB


RedHat 8 or similar Linux installations


explicit_defaults_for_timestamp = 0

The above property needs to be added to my.cnf and mysql restarted before the database is initialized. This is to enable the non-standard behavior for timestamp columns. This behavior was disabled by default in previous versions but had been enabled in the latest versions by default. We need to disable it.


1. Set the property in MySQL.
2. Setup BC DB in BusinessConnect > ManageĀ 
3. Initialize the DB so that all the TS (Time Stamp) columns have the default value "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP".