General Information for the PI-Connector in Statistica

General Information for the PI-Connector in Statistica


Article ID: KB0080523


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 12 SP1 and above


Is the PI-Connector is built in to Statistica? Also, we are using exclusively 64-bit clients at the moment but the PI connector requires the 32 bit Statistica version. Is this still correct or is an update needed?



PI-Connector General Information


Windows operating systems only.


PI-Connector is a Statistica component that uses a library called PI-SDK (it is not something developed by Statistica; it comes from OSISoft). PI-Connector is installed as part of Statistica, so the user does not have to do anything to install PI-Connector. The user does have to install PI-SDK if it is not already installed. If PI-SDK has to be installed and the user has a license to PI-Connector, PI data retrieval features will get activated.

Statistica 64-bit is capable (and was capable even prior to 12.7) of retrieving data using PI-SDK (32-bit & 64-bit). So no updates are required; the user can use 64-bit Statistica to retrieve data from PI.