Getting error on testing the JMS connection in BusinessWorks even though it is successful in BusinessConnect

Getting error on testing the JMS connection in BusinessWorks even though it is successful in BusinessConnect


Article ID: KB0082292


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect 6.X


This issue can occur when using two separate directories for BC_HOME and BW_HOME, and EMS is installed in both the homes and using the same JMS settings.  The user can connect to JMS successfully from BC via Admin but while trying to test the connection from BW, the customer gets the following error even when all the jar files and settings are correct:
B2BException:Error in creating JNDI environment: Cannot instantiate class: com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory

In this case, the EMS libraries may be missing from the BW installation.


The BusinessConnect palette in BusinessWorks generates an error when testing a JMS connection, even thought the same test is successful within BusinessConnect


Windows Server 2012 R2


Add EMS client libraries to the new TIBCO_HOME by following these steps:

  • Run the following command from TIBCO_HOME/bw/<BW_version>/bin directory to add the EMS libraries:
            bwinstall ems-driver
  • Specify the EMS plugin location when prompted ems-home-location, enter full path to the EMS Home components plugin folder including the components folder (typically TIBCO_HOME/components/shared/1.0.0/plugins)
  • Restart BusinessWorks

Additional Information

JMS, BW, JNDI environment, class