================================================================================ Affected Components for 5.1.3_hotfix11
The following components are updated by this hotfix: Resin Manager Engine Windows Daemon .NET Services
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 5.1.3_hotfix11 (This Release)
.NET Specific GS-13508 Replaced SharpZipLib with IonicZip library for compression algorithms due to SharpZipLib dependencies not being supported on newer versions of Windows.
Engine GS-13239 When compression and encryption are enabled, the input/output data will be compressed first then encrypted.
Engine Daemon-Unix GS-13418 Engines will now correctly detect the IPv4 address on RHEL 7 systems.
Java Specific GS-13201 When using the Java Driver, Service.waitUntilInactive() did not respect a non-zero delay.
GS-13322 When JRE is packaged as a Grid Library with the JVM option, the Engine replaced the JVM -XX; option incorrectly.
GS-13455 Updated Engine JRE to 1.8.0_131
Manager GS-13345 Manager Administration Tool running under Java 8 is now supported.
GS-13437 Extra logging added to the Broker to provide more information related to task completion and collection
Stability,Fault Tolerance GS-12137 Due to a rare race condition, the .NET Driver could fail to continue Task submission after a failover event if it was in the process of submitting Tasks.