GridServer 6.2.0 Hotfix09 has been released

GridServer 6.2.0 Hotfix09 has been released


Article ID: KB0102506


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO DataSynapse GridServer 6.2.0


GridServer 6.2.0 Hotfix07 is now available. Here are the release notes:

Affected Components for 6.2.0_hotfix09

The following components are updated by this hotfix:

Java Driver
Java Services
C++ Driver
C++ Services
.NET Driver
.NET Services
Windows Daemon
Unix Daemon

Closed Issues in 6.2.0_hotfix09 (This Release)

Modified the calculation for active Driver count, which is used in the
calculation of client wait time, in order to avoid an issue where active Driver
count is inflated to unrealistic levels. Additionally, a new Max Client Wait
Time parameter was added in the Administration Tool (Admin > Manager
Configuration > Services > Polling values) which imposes a set limit to the
Client Wait Time used by the Broker.


To download this hotfix, login to the support portal and navigate to Downloads > Hotfixes > AvailableDownloads > Datasynapse > Gridserver > 6.2.0


GridServer 6.2.0 Hotfix09 has been released