GridServer 6.3.1 Hotfix4 has been released. Here are the release notes: ================================================================================ Affected Components for 6.3.1_hotfix04
The following components are updated by this hotfix:
Admin Interface C++ Specific Engine Manager Operating Systems Tomcat
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 6.3.1_hotfix04 (This Release)
Admin Interface GS-15288 Fixed an incorrect error message that would sometimes appear in the Administration Tool UI when a Service discriminator was created with the SOAP API.
C++ Specific GS-14642 Re-compiled and re-linked the C++ zlib 1.2.11 DLLs on Windows without inline assembly due to the library having a buggy implementation with its inline assembler code.
Engine GS-16789 Updated the Engine JRE version to 1.8.0_271.
Manager GS-16558 Fixed an issue where LDAP user credentials were sometimes logged in clear text.
Operating Systems GS-15627 Windows Server 2019 is now a supported platform.
Tomcat GS-15965 Fixed a linking issue with the Tomcat Native Library (tcnative).
GS-16849 Apache Tomcat has been updated to version 8.5.61.