HF02 includes fixes for issues: ------------------------------------- - Issue OSPST-562 - Fix relationships for Zone, Horizon and MarkerCollections - Issue OSPST-568 - Creating 2d seismic horizons is much faster (e.g. CopyManager workflows when copying data to Studio). Also, the CopyManager copy batch sizes of many seismic and interpretation entities were changed to 100 instead of the default of 1000 so now it requires less memory when copying large amounts of data to Studio. Faster performance will also be achieved if running the Studio data connector on a PC that has at least 32GB of memory. The more available RAM the better so try to minimize the number of running applications during the copy operation. Also, if possible, use a Studio 'admin' account when running the Studio data connector if copying to Studio Oracle projects. This increased the copy performance by 20-30%. Use the OpenSpirit User Setup Wizard to specify an 'admin' account for the Studio Data Sources and Projects that will be specified as the CopyManager target project. - Issue OSPST-573 - Fixed a problem which would occur if a limited-permission login account ran a scan or copy job using Microsoft Scheduled Tasks. Microsoft lowers permissions levels for processes started via Scheduled Tasks, and the Studio data connector was getting an error trying to retrieve available memory. This is now fixed.
HF01 includes fixes for issues: ------------------------------------- - Issue OSPST-545 - Big performance improvement for long running queries (e.g. ScanUtility and 2d horizons). A query to retrieve all 2d horizons in a project previously took 5 hours and now only takes 2 hours. - Issue OSPST-546 - Fixes for reading and writing 3D volumes so that we can get full clipping range of sample values with any storage format. - Issue OSPST-550 - Improved SEGY reading performance. - Issue OSPST-555 - Fixed problems in certain CopyMgr workflows when the target Studio grid is created with a SpatialLattice.OriginalCRS that has a XY surface unit that is not 'meters'. This fixes the bug in the bulk Grid2dAccessor GetLocations method that always returned the XY surface values in meters even though the associated CRS has a different surface unit (e.g. ftUS). Now the XY values are correctly unit converted before returning to the client application. - Issue OSPST-558 - Major performance improvements. The Studio SDK maximum cache size is now based on the client's PC available RAM (random access memory) instead of being hardcoded. The more available RAM the larger the maximum cache size. This makes a huge difference when running the ScanUtility or DataSelector or any client application that retrieves large amounts of Studio data. - Issue OSPST-560 - Enhanced error message to include file path when unable to access specified SEGY file. - Issue OSPST-561 - A mechanism has been added to the Studio 2017 and 2018 data connectors to allow custom WellLog mnemonic mappings using the Petrel LogNamesToPropertyTypeCatalog xml file. This mechanism allows mnemonics unknown to Petrel to be mapped to a known template. Contact OpenSpirit Support for more details.
TIBCO OpenSpirit Data Connector for Studio v3.8.0 HF02 is a patch version of theStudio Data Connector. The data connector package "Studio_v3_8_0_99.osp_pkg") needs to be imported and installed like any other data connector update.
This is a cumulative hotfix.