HIGH priority CPU temperature alert triggered frequently with TIBCO LogLogic LMI on H3 model appliances

HIGH priority CPU temperature alert triggered frequently with TIBCO LogLogic LMI on H3 model appliances


Article ID: KB0077144


Updated On: 07-26-2016

Products Versions
TIBCO LogLogic Log Management Intelligence to 5.1.0


Although this alert can be triggered anytime when the appliance is under heavy load or when adequate cooling is not being provided in a data center (especially when the threshold has been manually lowered), this article address a particular scenario experienced on H3 models. The default alert temperature set is too low for H3. H2 model appliances use AMD processors but H3 models use Intel processors which have higher operating temperatures and a higher heat tolerance. This causes the default alert value to be too low for use with the H3 models thus increasing the likelihood of temperature alerts.

Because the Intel processors have a higher heat tolerance (the maximum rated temperature is many degrees higher than the AMD processors used in H2) the fact the hardware is running hotter and triggereing alerts does not indicate the appliance is operating in dangerous conditions. This is purely an issue with the LMI software not being updated to accommodate the higher heat tolerance of the Intel processors.



This article explains why the CPU temperature alert is generated frequently on H3 model appliances.


H3 model appliances only.


To change the default temperature threshold execute the following MySQL query after logging in as toor using ssh:

$ mysql -vv -e "update logappconfig.admAlert a, logappconfig.admAlertSystemType s set s.highthreshold = '80' where a.alertId = s.alertId and a.alertName = 'System Alert - CPU temperature' and (s.highthreshold = '70' or s.highthreshold = '65')"

This is corrected in LMI 5.2 for the alert's default threshold.