To start, ensure the deployment area you will be adding packages to already exists. See
Creating a new deployment area for creating a new area with the user interface and
manage-deployment-areas for creating a new area with the command line command.
Once the deployment area exists:
1. On the computer running Spotfire Server, open a command line as an administrator (or, if you are using Windows Integrated Authentication, as the Spotfire Server database user) and change the directory to the location of the config.bat file ( on Linux). The default location is <server installation dir>/tomcat/spotfire-bin. This is where you execute commands. For example:
cd C:\tibco\tss\<spotfire-version>\tomcat\spotfire-bin
2. Run the update-deployment command:
config update-deployment --tool-password=Value --area="Deployment_area" "<package name with path>"For example:
C:\tibco\tss\12.0.0\tomcat\spotfire-bin>config update-deployment --tool-password=admin --area="Production" "D:\Temp\SpotfireDeveloper.CustomPackage.spk"
Note: To add several packages at once add package name with path separated with comma:
config update-deployment --tool-password=Value --area="Deployment_area" "<package name1 with path>","<package name2 with path>"
For example:
C:\tibco\tss\12.0.0\tomcat\spotfire-bin>config update-deployment --tool-password=admin --area="Production" "c:\temp\CobrandingTemplateExample.spk","c:\temp\CustomPackage.spk"