How add software packages to a deployment area on Tibco Spotfire Server using the command line

How add software packages to a deployment area on Tibco Spotfire Server using the command line


Article ID: KB0071387


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Spotfire Server All


The article illustrates how to deploy the client software, .spk or .sdn files, to a deployment area using the command line interface (CLI) commands on the Tibco Spotfire Server. See Deployments and deployment areas for details about managing the Spotfire software and custom tool or extensions in deployment areas.


The article illustrates how to deploy the client software, either default or custom deployment files, to a deployment area using the command line interface (CLI) commands on the Tibco Spotfire Server.




To start, ensure the deployment area you will be adding packages to already exists. See Creating a new deployment area for creating a new area with the user interface and manage-deployment-areas for creating a new area with the command line command.

Once the deployment area exists:

1. On the computer running Spotfire Server, open a command line as an administrator (or, if you are using Windows Integrated Authentication, as the Spotfire Server database user) and change the directory to the location of the config.bat file ( on Linux). The default location is <server installation dir>/tomcat/spotfire-bin. This is where you execute commands. For example:
cd C:\tibco\tss\<spotfire-version>\tomcat\spotfire-bin
2. Run the update-deployment command:
         config update-deployment --tool-password=Value --area="Deployment_area" "<package name with path>"
For example:
C:\tibco\tss\12.0.0\tomcat\spotfire-bin>config update-deployment --tool-password=admin --area="Production" "D:\Temp\SpotfireDeveloper.CustomPackage.spk"

Note: To add several packages at once add package name with path separated with comma:
config update-deployment --tool-password=Value --area="Deployment_area" "<package name1 with path>","<package name2 with path>"
For example:
C:\tibco\tss\12.0.0\tomcat\spotfire-bin>config update-deployment --tool-password=admin --area="Production" "c:\temp\CobrandingTemplateExample.spk","c:\temp\CustomPackage.spk"

Additional Information

Doc: Deployments and deployment areas Doc: Creating a new deployment area Doc: manage-deployment-areas Doc: update-deployment