Restarting the Web Player to get new version of the image is not a suitable workaround.
However, there is a way to "trick" Spotfire into loading new image - to achieve that, some unique part can be added at the end of the URL which has to be different at every load.
With a different unique ending at the end of the URL at every load a new image would be rendered. In the analysis file add a calculated column (Data>Add calculated column>), choose "Concatenate" from the functions and as arguments provide (separate arguments with coma):
- ColumnName - name of the column where the URL to the image is stored
- '?'
- DateTimeNow() - this returns the current system time, which would be different at every new load making the URL unique and rendering the new image instead of using a cached one.
The resulting expression will look like this:
Concatenate([ColumnName],'?',DateTimeNow()). Afterwards from Properties>Columns choose the created column to be displayed and render Image from URL. See the GIF for reference: