How does Cloud Authentication work for TIBCO Spotfire Data Streams?

How does Cloud Authentication work for TIBCO Spotfire Data Streams?


Article ID: KB0073946


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud Data Streams 1.0


I see a warning in TIBCO Cloud Data Streams saying "Basic authentication for TIBCO Cloud Data Streams will not be supported in an upcoming release. Please switch to using TIBCO Cloud Authentication."

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How does Cloud Authentication work for TIBCO Spotfire Data Streams?


Discusses authentication options for TIBCO Cloud Data Streams with respect to Spotfire.


Cloud Authentication depends on the TIBCO Connected Intelligence Cloud (CIC) to provide the authentication service. You may test this by creating a token in CIC, and passing that token as the Bearer token in the Authorization HTTP Header when interacting with a deployed stream. Tokens may be generated in the CIC web interface under Settings > OAuth access tokens.

how to add Bearer tokens in TIBCO CIC

Proper configuration of the URL and user credentials in Spotfire for Cloud Authentication depends on whether your Spotfire server is managed on-premise or in the TIBCO Cloud.  Cloud Spotfire 11 will display all the running streams and you may select one of those. The URL and authentication is transparently handled. On-premise Spotfire does not support TIBCO Cloud Authentication, so you would still need to use basic authentication in this case (and later upgrade from on-premise Spotfire to Cloud Spotfire).