How passwords for Spotfire end users and service accounts are stored in TIBCO Spotfire database

How passwords for Spotfire end users and service accounts are stored in TIBCO Spotfire database


Article ID: KB0071789


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Server 10.3.x and higher


This article will explain you how the passwords for Spotfire end users and service accounts are stored in Spotfire database.


Password security of end users in TIBCO Spotfire server.




When using Spotfire database authentication, Passwords for end users that are stored in the Spotfire database are not encrypted but hashed multiple times using the PBKDF2 hash algorithm.

Passwords for service accounts stored in the database (this cover all accounts configured through the various Spotfire Configuration and Administration interfaces such as passwords for LDAP service accounts, information link data sources and action logging) are encrypted with AES-128 encryption.


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